Monet needed his garden
Photo by me "It’s because now I feel the need for words—and what I’m writing is new to me because until now my true word has never been touched. The word is my fourth dimension." Clarice Lispector, Água Viva There are days when I catch myself thinking that if it weren’t for Robinson Crusoe , I might not be who I am today. Or maybe, without Shakespeare, the Brontë sisters, Álvares de Azevedo, Camões, and Clarice Lispector, what would be left of me as a reader and dreamer? Every book I've held has been like a piece of ground I’ve stepped on, a step beyond the familiar, a window to worlds I couldn’t reach because of financial limits. I have this quirky habit of walking around with a book in my hand, reading as I go. "The girl who reads while walking," that’s what everyone calls me. To keep up the habit, I always have a book in my bag, even when I don’t have time to open it. It’s almost like a talisman, a kind of safety net, a promise that, at some point in the day,